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Donna Lucrezia

Siciliana, naturalmente

Donna Lucrezia Agricultural Company is the combination of respect for the ancient values with a natural flavor and modern technology, with the aim of guaranteeing the freshness of the products, the safety of the processes and the diffusion of the local agricultural heritage.

The Manor in Scordia (CT) produces Sicilian citrus and peaches, which it distributes on the national and international territory through the large distribution and dedicated e-commerce.

Sicilian Jams

Our jams are produced just a few meters from the Manor and processed entirely by hand, from peeling to canning, totally Gluten Free. The standard productions differ in tastes: Sicilian Lemons, Navel Oranges and Sicilian Tangerines.

We Select Only
Seasonal Citrus

The sun of Sicily enclosed in citrus with a natural flavor and full of citrus hints, mixed with vague accents of spices and grass. Oranges, Lemons, Tangerines, Clementines: these are some of the varieties produced and handcrafted in the Manor of Scordia (CT), thus ensuring maximum freshness, cleanliness and hygiene for the final consumer.

We Select Only
Seasonal Citrus

The sun of Sicily enclosed in citrus with a natural flavor and full of citrus hints, mixed with vague accents of spices and grass. Oranges, Lemons, Tangerines, Clementines: these are some of the varieties produced and handcrafted in the Manor of Scordia (CT), thus ensuring maximum freshness, cleanliness and hygiene for the final consumer.

What Client Say

  • “Esperienza stupenda! Ho acquistato Limoni e Arance e non avevo mai assaggiato frutta che avesse un sapore così autentico e naturale come i prodotti Donna Lucrezia. Ho portato a Berlino un pò di Sicilia!!.

    Ursula Meyer
  • “Riuscire a portare sulla tavola della frutta di stagione così fresca e lavorata artigianalmente non è mai stato così facile. Sia io che ma moglie lavoriamoa . tempo pieno e il tempo per ricercare dei prodotti di qualità manca sempre. Grazie a Donna Lucrezia siamo riusciti a ricevere a Bergamo Agrumi e frutti rossi di stagione lvorati artigianalmente (incredibile!). Continueremo sicuramente a rifornirci da Donna Lucrezia!”.

    Giorgio Iori
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